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No Smoking Day 2024 – 13th March

Better Health-NoSmoking

Quit smoking

When you quit smoking, good things start to happen — you can begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health.

It’s much easier to stop smoking when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from.

Check out our free tools and tips to help you stay on track. Let’s do this!

Please check this link: NHS – Better Health – Quit Smoking

Ways to quit

Many people try to quit smoking with willpower alone, but it’s much easier to go smoke-free with the right help.

There are lots of support options available to help you on your quitting journey. You might want to consider the cost of different aids and the side effects. If you’ve tried to quit before, think about what methods worked for you and what you might want to do differently.

The key is not to give up, try different combinations until you find the one that works for you.

Ways to quit smoking 2024

Quitting tips

You have made a great decision to give up smoking. Here are some tips to help you succeed.

Once you have picked your quit date, remember to add it to your calendar.

  1. List your reasons to quit.
  2. Tell people you’re quitting.
  3. If you have tried to quit before, remember what worked.
  4. Use stop smoking aids.
  5. Have a plan if you are tempted to smoke.
  6. List your smoking triggers and how to avoid them.
  7. Keep cravings at bay by keeping busy.
  8. Exercise away the urge.
  9. Join the Facebook group for support and advice.

Good luck. Throw away all your cigarettes before you start. Remember, there is never “just 1 cigarette”. You can do it!